Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Update 5/11

Good morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed their Mother's Day. I was able to spend my first Mother's Day in Chicago with my boys and it was a lot of fun! 

Monday- B day and Library
Tuesday- C day
Wednesday- D day
Thursday- FIELD DAY- please wear your class t-shirt. Also, if you are able to work or volunteer for our field day, please follow the link below.
Friday- NO SCHOOL!!
Saturday- Spirit Festival

ABC Countdown
Monday- Read to a stuffed animal and wear your PJs
Tuesday- Sports Day- wear your favorite sports team attire
Wednesday- Thank you cards
Thursday- Wear red, white, and BLUE (CLASS SHIRT)

Writing- Continuing our unit on poems!

Reading- We are working hard to meet our goal for the end of the year. Keep up the hard work! 

Math- We are going to take these last 2 weeks to review math facts and concepts.

Spelling- We are going to be reviewing old sight words to get us ready for 2nd grade!

Science- We are starting our last unit on Movement. 


Thank you all so much for showing your appreciation towards me during teacher appreciation week. I felt so very special and so lucky to be your children's teacher. I cannot believe this year is coming to an end! WOW!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Update 5/4

Good afternoon! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Monday- A day, Library, and Big Hero 6
Tuesday- B day-New Name
Wednesday- C day- Wear ORANGE. Last day for DARE, be sure to know your parents names, address, and  phone number!
Thursday- D day- Picnic Snack- bring a towel to sit on and enjoy your snack in the grass
Friday- A day- Quiz Show (let's put what you know to the test!) and Ms. Fendler's last day.

Upcoming events:
5/14- Field Day- wear tennis shoes and your class t-shirt.
5/16- Spirit Festival!

Writing- We are continuing to practice ALL different kinds of poems! We are poets and we didn't even know it!

Math- We are finishing up our unit on 3D shapes.

Science- We are finishing up our unit on plants and animals. Don't forget to ask your child about their lima bean plants. They started sprouting today!

Spelling- Words their Way test will be on Friday!