Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekly Update 3/2

Good morning!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and didn't get snowed in! I don't know about you all but I am SO ready for spring! 
This week:

Monday- D day, Library, and wear red, white, and blue
Tuesday- A day and crazy Socks
Wednesday- B day and WACKY Wednesday
Thursday-C day and PJ Day
Friday- D day, wear green, and early release. 3Q ends!

Upcoming events:
-March 12- Spring Conferences

Math- We are finishing up graphing this week and will begin time and measurement.

Word Work- This week and next we are working on contractions!

Writing- We are continuing to work on creating our realistic fiction series books.

Social Studies- We are working on maps. 

Reading- Don't forget to continue to have your child read 15 min each night. 

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