Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekly Update 2/23

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for not putting up a weekly update last week, without having school on Monday it must have thrown me off!

Monday- C day, Library, and Sydney's Birthday!
Tuesday- D day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- C day and Six Flags Read to Succeed is DUE!

Writing- We have started our next unit on Realistic Fiction and we have been SO impressed with these stories they have created. From making up their own characters, to getting them in trouble, to then finding a solution... WOW!

Reading- Don't forget to read 15 minutes ( or more ) each night! Just a helpful hint, when you are listening to your child read to you and if they come to an unknown word they should be using these strategies: finding a chunk, look at the picture, stretch out the word, or skip the word and come back.
Science- Last week we finished our Matter unit and finished it with making root beer floats. (Check the picture folder for pictures on the solid, liquid, and gas!) 

Social Studies- We are putting our map strategies to the test! I'm anxious to see who all knows what continent, state, city, and street they live on/in! 

Math- We are continuing our unit on graphing and have practiced making a tally chart, picto-graph, and even a bar graph! 

Upcoming events
3/3- PTO Meeting at 7:00
3/6- Half Day
3/12- Spring  Conferences- more information to come this week.
3/13- Half Day- No Letter Day
3/16-3/20- SPRING BREAK!

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