Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Update 5/11

Good morning! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed their Mother's Day. I was able to spend my first Mother's Day in Chicago with my boys and it was a lot of fun! 

Monday- B day and Library
Tuesday- C day
Wednesday- D day
Thursday- FIELD DAY- please wear your class t-shirt. Also, if you are able to work or volunteer for our field day, please follow the link below.
Friday- NO SCHOOL!!
Saturday- Spirit Festival

ABC Countdown
Monday- Read to a stuffed animal and wear your PJs
Tuesday- Sports Day- wear your favorite sports team attire
Wednesday- Thank you cards
Thursday- Wear red, white, and BLUE (CLASS SHIRT)

Writing- Continuing our unit on poems!

Reading- We are working hard to meet our goal for the end of the year. Keep up the hard work! 

Math- We are going to take these last 2 weeks to review math facts and concepts.

Spelling- We are going to be reviewing old sight words to get us ready for 2nd grade!

Science- We are starting our last unit on Movement. 


Thank you all so much for showing your appreciation towards me during teacher appreciation week. I felt so very special and so lucky to be your children's teacher. I cannot believe this year is coming to an end! WOW!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Update 5/4

Good afternoon! Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Monday- A day, Library, and Big Hero 6
Tuesday- B day-New Name
Wednesday- C day- Wear ORANGE. Last day for DARE, be sure to know your parents names, address, and  phone number!
Thursday- D day- Picnic Snack- bring a towel to sit on and enjoy your snack in the grass
Friday- A day- Quiz Show (let's put what you know to the test!) and Ms. Fendler's last day.

Upcoming events:
5/14- Field Day- wear tennis shoes and your class t-shirt.
5/16- Spirit Festival!

Writing- We are continuing to practice ALL different kinds of poems! We are poets and we didn't even know it!

Math- We are finishing up our unit on 3D shapes.

Science- We are finishing up our unit on plants and animals. Don't forget to ask your child about their lima bean plants. They started sprouting today!

Spelling- Words their Way test will be on Friday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ABC Countdown!

Ok A- Autograph day!

B- Braindbreak! 

C- Camo day!

D- Drawing day! 

E- Exercise Day!

F- Favorite Book! 

G- We raised $28 towards playground equipment and got GUM! 

H- Hat Day

I- Icy Pops!!

Joke Day Jokes
1- If a baby astronaut cried, what would you do? Rock-it!
2- What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand-WITCH!
3- What does a door wear? A door knob.
4- What did the artist name its son? Drew!
5- What do you combine a hand and a milkshake? A handshake!
6- Why did the little fish get embarrassed? Because it saw the oceans bottom.
7- Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn’t have any guts!
8- What’s a trees favorite drink? ROOTbeer!
9- Why did the police stay in bed? Because it was an underCOVER cop!
10- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Me, me who? Jada.
11- Why did the paper turn grey? Because the pencil was writing on it.
12- Why did the cow become an astronaut? So it could walk on the MOOOOon.
13- Where do you sharpen your pencil? PENCIL-vania.
14- What do you call cheese that’s not yours? NACHO cheese!
15- What position did young Bruce Wayne play on his baseball team? BAT boy!
16- What did the moon say to the sun? Why are you so hot?
17- How much does a pirate charge to pierce someones ears? A buck-an-ear!
18- Which is closer, the moon or Australia? The moon because you can see it!
19-What is a cow’s favorite dance? I’ve got the MOOOves like Jagger.
20- Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 (ATE) 9!
21- What do you get when you cross a radio and a refrigerator? COOOL music!

K- We hope your kids came home and did some random acts of KINDNESS! There ideas to help spread kindness was so amazing!! We have 3 groups of students who volunteered to spread kindness around the school that we hope to do on Monday.

L- lunch with your teacher in the classroom!

M-Movie Day! The students were so zoned in on Big Hero 6 and there popcorn! :)

N- New Name Day- Check out our new names today! Hope this doesn't get too confusing! :)
Maryn- Lizz
Emily- Gigi
Sean- Ron
Cecelia- Ginchu
Jessie- Samantha
Amir- Breton
Breton- Riley
Aela- Daisy
Jada- Alissa
Asahi- Mario
Michael- Miny Man
Emma- Samantha
Parker- Didy
Sydney- Hermoine
Xavier- Bamax
Riley- Matt
Thomas- Joey

O- Orange Day!

P- Picnic Snack!

Q- Quiz Show!

R- Read to a stuffed animal!

S-Sports Day
T- Thank you cards
U- USA day
V- Visit a Pal
W- Wild West!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly Update 4/27

Good morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It was so fun seeing everyone at Grants Farm night. It was definitely a success!

Monday- A day and Library
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- C day
Thursday- D day

ABC Countdown
Hat Day
Icy Pop
Joke Day
Kindness Day
Lunch with your teacher

Writing- We are continuing to work on different kinds of poems.

Words their Way- New lists will be coming home today. Please check out the WTW blog to see the sorts. (This will be our LAST set of words!)

Math- 2D/plain shapes are finished and the tests looked great. Now onto our last chapter which is 3D shapes!

Science- We are working on plants and animals this week!

Reading- Keep up the great reading! 20 min. (OR MORE) each night!! :)

Upcoming Events:
Please sign up below if you are able to help out at our Long Field Day on May 14.
May 16- Spirit Festival 
Also, in case some of you may not have heard, baby Gregston #2 is a GIRL!!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly Update 4/20

Good afternoon, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Monday- D day and Library
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday- B day and Early Dismissal at 1:40
Thursday- C day
Friday- D day and Words their Way test!

ABC Countdown:
D- Drawing Day (Bring any drawing books that you have!)
E-Exercise Day
F- Favorite Book
G- Give a dollar, get a piece of GUM!! The money we raise will go towards our playground to purchase more balls and outside items! (They are very excited about more playground balls!)

Writing- We are working on creating different kinds of poems! 

Math- We will be finishing up our plane shapes this week and will then go into 3D shapes next.

Spelling- Words their Way test will be on Friday.

Science- We are working our way right into plants and animals.

Upcoming Events:
April 24- Grant's Farm Night at 5:30
May 27- Cardinals Game
May 16- Spirit Festival

Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Update 4/13

Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Thanks again for all the parents that came to the Zoo to help chaperon, it was a perfect and successful day! It was so much fun looking through the iPad pictures from their scavenger hunt too!

Monday- C day and Library
Tuesday- D day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day and the first day of our ABC Countdown
Friday- C day

Math- We are continuing to work on plane shapes and will be getting into 3-D shapes next!

Science- We are finishing up our unit on Living and Non-living things. 

Words their Way- Check the blog for the sorts. The next test will be 4/24.

Writing- We are working our way through our Poetry unit and have finished our Acrostic poems!

Reading- Please continue to have your child read at least 20 minutes each night! 

Upcoming Events
Early Release- April 22 at 1:40
Grant's Farm- April 24th 5:45-9 (More information to come- yellow flyer)
Cardinals Game- May 3

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Update 4/6

Good afternoon! I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day Easter weekend!

Monday- B day and Library
Tuesday- C day
Wednesday- D day
Thursday- A day and WTW test!
Friday- FIELD TRIP TO THE ZOO!!! More information to come this week! 

Writing- We are starting our poetry unit and will start with Acrostic poems first!

Reading- Keep reading 20 minutes each night!

Spelling- Words their Way test on Thursday. Check the blog for the sorts. 

Science- We are continuing to work on living and non-living things which will tie perfectly into our Zoo field trip. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekly Update 3/23

Good morning and happy SPRING! I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break!! 9 more weeks to go! We can do it!

Monday- A day and Library
Tuesday- B day 
Wednesday- C day
Thursday- D day
Friday- A day

Writing- Since we celebrated our realistic fiction before break, we decided to take a week or so and come up with some FANTASY fiction stories! The students are SO excited about this and it is so fun to see their imaginations soar!

Words their Way- New lists will be coming home today!

Math- We are starting our new unit on telling time to the hour and half hour. Also, if you are interested in working on some more math at home at your student's level, FrontRow is a great website for that.

Login- students first name and last initial
Password- liekod
*XtraMath information is coming!

Reading- Keep up the hard work! I loved seeing all of these friends who read over break too! 

Upcoming Events:
No School on 4/3

**Field Trip to the Zoo will be on April 10. Permission slips went home today! Please be sure to send those back in with $9.00 as soon as you can. Also, ALL chaperone's are welcome! 

9/15-  Baby Gregston #2 DUE!! We are beyond thrilled to welcome another bundle of joy into our lives! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Weekly Update 3/10

Good morning and happy Tuesday! I apologize for not posting this earlier, I had a meeting first time Monday morning so that got me all mixed up!

Monday- A day and Library
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- C day (Challenge Course)
Thursday- D day and Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday- NO LETTER DAY and 11:50 Dismissal

Writing- We are continuing to work on adding stories to our realistic series and I am SO excited with how well they are turning out!

Reading- Please continue to read 15 minutes at home! 

Spelling- We are working on contractions this week.

Math- We are continuing to work on measurement and will start time after Spring Break. 

Social Studies- We are still working on our map unit and have been drawing pictures of our room, house, street, town, state, country, and world! 

Upcoming Events:
Spring Break- 3/16-3/20- 3/23 will be an A day
4/3- No School

Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekly Update 3/2

Good morning!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and didn't get snowed in! I don't know about you all but I am SO ready for spring! 
This week:

Monday- D day, Library, and wear red, white, and blue
Tuesday- A day and crazy Socks
Wednesday- B day and WACKY Wednesday
Thursday-C day and PJ Day
Friday- D day, wear green, and early release. 3Q ends!

Upcoming events:
-March 12- Spring Conferences

Math- We are finishing up graphing this week and will begin time and measurement.

Word Work- This week and next we are working on contractions!

Writing- We are continuing to work on creating our realistic fiction series books.

Social Studies- We are working on maps. 

Reading- Don't forget to continue to have your child read 15 min each night. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekly Update 2/23

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for not putting up a weekly update last week, without having school on Monday it must have thrown me off!

Monday- C day, Library, and Sydney's Birthday!
Tuesday- D day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- C day and Six Flags Read to Succeed is DUE!

Writing- We have started our next unit on Realistic Fiction and we have been SO impressed with these stories they have created. From making up their own characters, to getting them in trouble, to then finding a solution... WOW!

Reading- Don't forget to read 15 minutes ( or more ) each night! Just a helpful hint, when you are listening to your child read to you and if they come to an unknown word they should be using these strategies: finding a chunk, look at the picture, stretch out the word, or skip the word and come back.
Science- Last week we finished our Matter unit and finished it with making root beer floats. (Check the picture folder for pictures on the solid, liquid, and gas!) 

Social Studies- We are putting our map strategies to the test! I'm anxious to see who all knows what continent, state, city, and street they live on/in! 

Math- We are continuing our unit on graphing and have practiced making a tally chart, picto-graph, and even a bar graph! 

Upcoming events
3/3- PTO Meeting at 7:00
3/6- Half Day
3/12- Spring  Conferences- more information to come this week.
3/13- Half Day- No Letter Day
3/16-3/20- SPRING BREAK!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Update 2/9

Good afternoon! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and was able to get out and enjoy the beautiful "spring-like" weather. 

Monday- B day, Show and Tell, and Library
Tuesday- C day and hat day for 50 cents.
Wednesday- D day and early release at 1:40. Please make sure to let me know if your transportation will change. 
Thursday- A day
Friday- B day and Valentine parties
*Please be sure to have Valentines made for each student in the class if you choose to participate in handing out Valentines.*

Writing- Finishing up our book review unit this week!

Math- Today, we started subtracting 10s and they did a great job with it! Here is a game that we played too!

Words their Way- TEST FRIDAY!

Science- We are finishing up our unit on Matter this week.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Update 2/2

Good morning! Hope everyone had a fun Superbowl weekend. 
This week it is...
Have any box tops hanging around your house? Bring them in by Friday and help is earn a popcorn party!!

Monday- A day and Library
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- C day
Thursday- D day
Friday- A day, Box Tops DUE, and Counselor's Day

Don't Forget:
2/11- Early Dismissal at 1:40
2/13- Valentine's Day party at 2:00. Please let me know if you need another class list for the valentines. Boxes will be made during the party so you will not need to worry about making them at home. Also, please be sure if you are doing valentines that there is one for each student in the class so no one feels left out. 
2/16- No School

Words their Way- New lists are coming home today. Please refer to the blog for the new sorts.

Math- We are working on two-digit addition and subtraction.

Writing- We are continuing to work on writing reviews and answering the important information, what? where? and when?

Science-  We  are continuing to study Matter. 

February Birthdays
17- Elli
23- Sydney
25- Lydia