Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekly Update 11/3

I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day weekend! It was a busy 4 days that we had but it wouldn't have been as successful without your hard work and dedication, thank you!
Conferences went wonderfully and the kids LOVED the Halloween party! 
Monday- A day and Kids Voting
Tuesday- B day and PTO meeting
Wednesday- C day
Thursday- D day and Library
Friday- A day, picture re-take day (will be allowed to take first thing in the morning), and FIELD TRIP!! 
Sunday- Music Program 1:45-2:15! Check out this preview of the students performance! I can't wait to see all their hard work in this musical! 1st Grade Gregston Video Link

Field Trip Information
-T-shirts will be delivered this week and will be ready for the students to put on over their clothes on Friday before we leave. 
-All students must bring their lunch to school in a bag that can be thrown away. Depending on the temperature, we may eat their or since this is during our lunch period, we will eat in the classroom. Choice 3 on our lunch menu will be available to order as well.
-Please be sure to dress your students accordingly to the weather. Tennis shoes and jackets will be important!
-Chaperones- The transportation museum limits us on our chaperones so each class is allowed to have 3 per class. I have picked the 3 in which I received first. Don't forget, we will have other field trips for you all to chaperone on too! 
-If you have not paid for our field trip please do so as soon as possible! I can definitely send home another permission slip if needed. 

Math- We are continuing to work on our doubles facts!

Social Studies- We are finishing up our unit this week!

Spelling- On Monday, you will receive a parent letter on our Words their Way unit as well as a list of words. Tests will be every 2 weeks!

Reading- Continue to read each night. Don't forget to write in your reading log as well as use that green handout I gave you all at conferences.

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