Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Update 11/17

Good Afternoon!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Can you believe this snow?

Monday- C day and Library
Tuesday- D day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- C day

Writing- We had a mini-celebration today over our informational stories. I am so proud of how well they are writing and I am learning more and more each day. 

Math- We started our chapter 4 on subtraction strategies. 

Social Studies- We started our unit on Everything Changes. Where we are talking about the past, present, and future. 

Words their Way- New words are coming home today. Check the blog for the word sorts. 

**I was able to receive CD players with books on tape through our PTO grant. If your child would like to bring in different headphones to use with the CD players that is totally fine. Some are having trouble with putting the ear buds in their ears.** 

Celebrating Our Blue Ribbon Success
Blue Ribbon Theme Week
November 17-21

Monday, November 17th:  We are FLYERS! 
Wear your green and gold to celebrate that we are high achieving Flyers!

Tuesday, November 18th:  We are CRAZY about Long School!
Wear crazy socks and crazy hair!

Wednesday, November 19th:  Show your BLUE Ribbon Pride!
Wear blue to celebrate our big award!

Thursday, November 20th:  Begin with the End in Mind!
Wear your best “Dress for Success” outfit to show how we are leaders in our school! 

Friday, November 21st:  We are a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School!
All students will be given a Blue Ribbon t-shirt today to wear!  

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