Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekly Update 1/20

Good afternoon- Hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend.

Tuesday- D day and Author Visit
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- Library

Writing- Collections are home and we are starting to write reviews!

Math- We are still working on 10 more and 10 less along with counting to 120 and using that big number in a place value chart! 

Words their Way- New word sorts are coming home today, please refer to the Words their Way blog post on how to sort these if you have questions. 

Social Studies- We are talking about needs and wants, good and services, and factory and workers. Next time they are at the story they should know the difference between needing and wanting something! :) 

Jump Rope for Heart Ducks days are:
1/22, 1/27, and 1/29

Lastly, you will see a parent letter in your folders that introduces our new student teacher. We are so excited to have Ms. Fendler- oh, the things we can do with 2 teachers! :) 

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