Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekly Update 12/15

Good morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Can you believe how nice it was yesterday? 
This is our last week before Winter Break!!

Monday- C day and Library
Tuesday- D day and Cartoon Day (November reading log prize)
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day, Writing Celebration, and Science test
Friday- HALF DAY/PARTY DAY! Our party will be from 10:30-11:30. Dismissal will be at 11:40. 

Writing- We are finishing up our How-To writing this week and will celebrate on Thursday! I have learned SO much. Way to go!

Spelling- We are going to take this week to review some high frequency words that I am seeing misspelled in our writing so we can start back with our words after break.

Math- We are continuing to learn about place value.

Science- We are finishing up our unit on weather.

*Don't forget to turn in the field trip forms and money before break so you won't have to think about it afterwards.
*Field trip is on 1/12 from 11:30-1:30.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weekly Update 12/9

Good morning! I apologize for posting this a day late. Carter was sick over the weekend so thankfully I was able to stay home with him yesterday. 

Monday- B day and Library
Tuesday- C day
Wednesday- D day and 1:40 EARLY DISMISSAL!! 
Thursday- A day
Friday- B day

Writing- We are starting How-To papers and we have already done making a pizza and building a snowman! I am so impressed!

Math- We are starting place value this week.

Science- We are starting our chapter on weather!

Words their Way- We will test over this set of words on FRIDAY!

**Field trip forms are coming home today. This trip will be after break but we are hoping to get our money in before then so you all don't have to worry about sending in money after our holiday break!**

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Elf on the Shelf- RedFred

HThe strangest thing happened yesterday, imprinted something on my printer and I found this note! 
We searched the room to find an elf and we saw one sitting up on really high next to the stuffed animals. 
We quickly voted on a name and RedFred won! We are so excited to be the class they chose to watch for good behavior, students who are sharing, friendly, and kind! I think he picked the best classroom to find those things too! 
We found him on our whiteboard and today is a C day but I think RedFred is playing a joke on us! 






12/11-Looks like RedFred made himself his own box! 

12/15- While I was out at a meeting, RedFred made sure the class was doing the right thing! Thanks RedFred!

12/17- Looks like RedFred decided he was a star statue too! 
12/18- RedFred added his name to our Word Wall!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Check this page for pictures of the fun things we are doing at school!

5/14- Field Day!

5/8- Ice cream truck and bubble bus! 

5-7- SHAPE DAY! 

5/7- Our bean plants are growing!! 

5/1- STEM day fun! 

4/30- We went on a scavenger hunt to find 3D shapes around the school and playground, see what we found! 

4/30- Our Lima beans are planted! We can't wait to see them grow! 

4/10- thank you to everyone who came and helped chaperon to the Zoo. It was such a beautiful day! 


3/11- look who turned into the Cat in the Hat! 

3/5- Read Across America Week! 

3/4- WaCkY WeDnEsDaY!

3/3- Welcome Thomas! 

2/17- Solid, liquid, gas activity! 

2/13- Valentine Party! Thanks to our parent volunteers for another wonderful party! 

2/9-Show and Tell for our compliment award!! 

100th day celebrations! 

Winter break reading!! 

Christmas party- thank you SO much for all the hard work you all put into making this another successful party! 

Buddy day-

Happy Thanksgiving!!

11/25- Today, we got to share our informational writing with our class while we sipped on some hot chocolate in our PJs AND we got to share it with our friends in the other first grade classrooms. What a fun day! 

11/18- The students chose 1 nonfiction book at the library on Monday to use for our writing unit! Today, we got to use those books and find 4 facts to use in our papers! I was so impressed with how well they did! Way to go! 

11/11- Veterans Day!

11/12- Buddy Day!

11/7- Transportation Museum-Thank you chaperones for coming with us!

10/30-Halloween Party!