This is our last week before Winter Break!!
Monday- C day and Library
Tuesday- D day and Cartoon Day (November reading log prize)
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day, Writing Celebration, and Science test
Friday- HALF DAY/PARTY DAY! Our party will be from 10:30-11:30. Dismissal will be at 11:40.
Writing- We are finishing up our How-To writing this week and will celebrate on Thursday! I have learned SO much. Way to go!
Spelling- We are going to take this week to review some high frequency words that I am seeing misspelled in our writing so we can start back with our words after break.
Math- We are continuing to learn about place value.
Science- We are finishing up our unit on weather.
*Don't forget to turn in the field trip forms and money before break so you won't have to think about it afterwards.
*Field trip is on 1/12 from 11:30-1:30.