Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ABC Countdown!

Ok A- Autograph day!

B- Braindbreak! 

C- Camo day!

D- Drawing day! 

E- Exercise Day!

F- Favorite Book! 

G- We raised $28 towards playground equipment and got GUM! 

H- Hat Day

I- Icy Pops!!

Joke Day Jokes
1- If a baby astronaut cried, what would you do? Rock-it!
2- What do you call a witch at the beach? A sand-WITCH!
3- What does a door wear? A door knob.
4- What did the artist name its son? Drew!
5- What do you combine a hand and a milkshake? A handshake!
6- Why did the little fish get embarrassed? Because it saw the oceans bottom.
7- Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? Because he didn’t have any guts!
8- What’s a trees favorite drink? ROOTbeer!
9- Why did the police stay in bed? Because it was an underCOVER cop!
10- Knock, knock. Who’s there? Me, me who? Jada.
11- Why did the paper turn grey? Because the pencil was writing on it.
12- Why did the cow become an astronaut? So it could walk on the MOOOOon.
13- Where do you sharpen your pencil? PENCIL-vania.
14- What do you call cheese that’s not yours? NACHO cheese!
15- What position did young Bruce Wayne play on his baseball team? BAT boy!
16- What did the moon say to the sun? Why are you so hot?
17- How much does a pirate charge to pierce someones ears? A buck-an-ear!
18- Which is closer, the moon or Australia? The moon because you can see it!
19-What is a cow’s favorite dance? I’ve got the MOOOves like Jagger.
20- Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 (ATE) 9!
21- What do you get when you cross a radio and a refrigerator? COOOL music!

K- We hope your kids came home and did some random acts of KINDNESS! There ideas to help spread kindness was so amazing!! We have 3 groups of students who volunteered to spread kindness around the school that we hope to do on Monday.

L- lunch with your teacher in the classroom!

M-Movie Day! The students were so zoned in on Big Hero 6 and there popcorn! :)

N- New Name Day- Check out our new names today! Hope this doesn't get too confusing! :)
Maryn- Lizz
Emily- Gigi
Sean- Ron
Cecelia- Ginchu
Jessie- Samantha
Amir- Breton
Breton- Riley
Aela- Daisy
Jada- Alissa
Asahi- Mario
Michael- Miny Man
Emma- Samantha
Parker- Didy
Sydney- Hermoine
Xavier- Bamax
Riley- Matt
Thomas- Joey

O- Orange Day!

P- Picnic Snack!

Q- Quiz Show!

R- Read to a stuffed animal!

S-Sports Day
T- Thank you cards
U- USA day
V- Visit a Pal
W- Wild West!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Weekly Update 4/27

Good morning! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It was so fun seeing everyone at Grants Farm night. It was definitely a success!

Monday- A day and Library
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- C day
Thursday- D day

ABC Countdown
Hat Day
Icy Pop
Joke Day
Kindness Day
Lunch with your teacher

Writing- We are continuing to work on different kinds of poems.

Words their Way- New lists will be coming home today. Please check out the WTW blog to see the sorts. (This will be our LAST set of words!)

Math- 2D/plain shapes are finished and the tests looked great. Now onto our last chapter which is 3D shapes!

Science- We are working on plants and animals this week!

Reading- Keep up the great reading! 20 min. (OR MORE) each night!! :)

Upcoming Events:
Please sign up below if you are able to help out at our Long Field Day on May 14.
May 16- Spirit Festival 
Also, in case some of you may not have heard, baby Gregston #2 is a GIRL!!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly Update 4/20

Good afternoon, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Monday- D day and Library
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday- B day and Early Dismissal at 1:40
Thursday- C day
Friday- D day and Words their Way test!

ABC Countdown:
D- Drawing Day (Bring any drawing books that you have!)
E-Exercise Day
F- Favorite Book
G- Give a dollar, get a piece of GUM!! The money we raise will go towards our playground to purchase more balls and outside items! (They are very excited about more playground balls!)

Writing- We are working on creating different kinds of poems! 

Math- We will be finishing up our plane shapes this week and will then go into 3D shapes next.

Spelling- Words their Way test will be on Friday.

Science- We are working our way right into plants and animals.

Upcoming Events:
April 24- Grant's Farm Night at 5:30
May 27- Cardinals Game
May 16- Spirit Festival

Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Update 4/13

Good morning! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Thanks again for all the parents that came to the Zoo to help chaperon, it was a perfect and successful day! It was so much fun looking through the iPad pictures from their scavenger hunt too!

Monday- C day and Library
Tuesday- D day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day and the first day of our ABC Countdown
Friday- C day

Math- We are continuing to work on plane shapes and will be getting into 3-D shapes next!

Science- We are finishing up our unit on Living and Non-living things. 

Words their Way- Check the blog for the sorts. The next test will be 4/24.

Writing- We are working our way through our Poetry unit and have finished our Acrostic poems!

Reading- Please continue to have your child read at least 20 minutes each night! 

Upcoming Events
Early Release- April 22 at 1:40
Grant's Farm- April 24th 5:45-9 (More information to come- yellow flyer)
Cardinals Game- May 3

Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Update 4/6

Good afternoon! I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day Easter weekend!

Monday- B day and Library
Tuesday- C day
Wednesday- D day
Thursday- A day and WTW test!
Friday- FIELD TRIP TO THE ZOO!!! More information to come this week! 

Writing- We are starting our poetry unit and will start with Acrostic poems first!

Reading- Keep reading 20 minutes each night!

Spelling- Words their Way test on Thursday. Check the blog for the sorts. 

Science- We are continuing to work on living and non-living things which will tie perfectly into our Zoo field trip.